Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chicken Soup for my Soul!!

I'm dragging my sick aching body over to the computer because I have to post this. My wonderful husband made HOMEMADE egg noodles and chicken soup from SCRATCH for his sick wife tonight! Man, I love him.


Amy said...

yeah for Tim! Oh no, Max has been sick, I hope he didn't share with you...

Anna said...

Umm. . .WOW! I didn't know my brother was such a chef:) I'm glad he is taking care of you. Hope you feel better.

Sara said...

What a sweet husband. Hope you get feeling better:)

calmrapids said...

Wow! You are one lucky (blessed) chick! Hope you feel better soon!

Kari said...

Wow! Continually impressive. And, that shot is beautiful! Nice job, Chelle ; ) And, those pics of Gidion are just adorable. He has got a perfect baby face. Just beautiful!! I need to kiss it!