Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I learn so much from them...

When I was tucking Jared in tonight I asked him if he had said his prayers. He said he had. I then asked him if he had listened afterwards to see if Heavenly Father wanted to say anything to him. He paused shook his head then popped it up and said, "You know when I put myself on time out yesterday because I was angry, I said a prayer in your room and he talked to me then." I asked him what Heavenly Father had said to him.

"He said, 'I'll help you, when you do the bad stuff'."


Kari said...

Oh!! So cute! I can totally see his head pop up and him saying that. That is just precious! He is such an incredible boy!

Tim and Rachelle said...

Yeah, he puts himself on a time out because Mommy has been putting herself on a lot of timeouts lately.